Dunbar and John Muir – A Conversation
Wednesday 24th October 2012 at 7.00pm
Bleachingfield Community Centre, Dunbar
This event has been inspired by the Conversations that have been held over the past couple of years in Dunbar Library. The idea for these Conversations came from Friends member Steve Tossell and they have been instrumental in engaging the public with various topics of interest to the Dunbar community – and beyond.
The intention of the Dunbar and John Muir ‘conversation’ is to encourage a discussion about John Muir’s connection to Dunbar and to generate ideas that Friends, and others, can incorporate into future plans that support, and promote, Muir’s legacy.
Members of Friends are encouraged to participate, and to invite others to come along as this is a public event open to non-members and the more the merrier. It will be an opportunity for everyone to have their say on the future of Friends and to contribute to the aims and objectives of the charity.
The Conversation will be chaired by Kilvert Croft and contributions will be made by Robert Russel (Friends), Heather Hackett (Dunbar Primary School), Richard Woof (or A N Other, Dunbar Grammar School), Pauline Smeed (John Muir Birthplace) plus, of course, audience participation.