The application form for FoJMB membership is now available via a link included in the Membership page.
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The application form for FoJMB membership is now available via a link included in the Membership page.
The January (#19) issue of the FoJMB Newsletter is now available online. Please see the Current Newsletter page for full details.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace will be held on
Wednesday 12th October 2011 at 7.15pm for 7.30pm
Dunbar Town House, High Street, Dunbar
(i) Report on year’s activities
(ii) Filling any vacancies on Council*
(iii) Other competent business*
Non-members will be warmly welcomed
Following the AGM there will be an illustrated talk
Dunbar Town House – A Brief History
by Pauline Smeed, Dunbar and District History Society
* Please note that nominations for Council accompanied with the nominee’s agreement in writing and items for consideration under other competent business should be lodged with the Secretary, c/o 126 High Street, Dunbar, EH42 1JJ by Monday 10th October 2011
The September (#18) issue of the FoJMB Newsletter is now available online. Please see the Current Newsletter page for full details.
This exhibition in John Muir’s Birthplace was inspired by John Muir’s life and writing and has drawn together 28 established and emerging contemporary artists and poets from across Scotland and beyond. Further details at One touch of nature makes all kin | Sustaining Dunbar and one touch of nature : makes all kin | Susie Goodwin.
The annual Friends sand sculpture competition is on Saturday 6th August, to be precise, from 11am to 3pm, at the East Beach in Dunbar. It is at the east end of that beach, accessed from the bottom of the Golf House Road. There are prizes for the best John
Muir-themed sculpture (some years have seen castles, mermaids and sea creatures,
some found in the seas around Dunbar, some not) for just £2 for an adult, £1 for
a child and £5 for a family. Bring your imagination with your bucket and spade!
If you need more information, call the Birthplace on 01368 865899 and especially
if the weather isn’t so nice on the day. See you there!”
A delightful evening was enjoyed by a group of Friends at the Rocks Restaurant here in Dunbar to celebrate the 173rd anniversary of John’s birth. The meal was lovely and the companionship first class.
John Muir’s Birthday followed by Earth Day – the ideal opportunity for:
Advocating John Muir’s vision | Billion Acts of Green
Sister Cities celebrate Muir Legacy | The Martinez News-Gazette
This week two cities on opposite sides of the pond celebrated the twinning of John Muir’s sauntering grounds – Dunbar and Martinez – and the famous conservationist who brought them together.
On April 18th the Board of Directors of the John Muir Association in Martinez sent the following, beautifully worded, message to us all in Dunbar.
The John Muir Association, in association with the National Park Service at the John Muir National Historic Site, extends hearty greetings to the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace, the Dunbar Community Council, the John Muir Birthplace Trust, and the citizens of Dunbar in acknowledgment on this 30th anniversary of the Sister City alliance between Martinez, California and Dunbar, Scotland.
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