Quote 4

On 15 March 1913, John Muir’s ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ was published by Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York.  It has constantly been available in the 100 years since. It tells of his early years in Dunbar and then, from ages 11 to 22, of growing up in the wonderful Wisconsin countryside.  His love of nature, awakened in East Lothian, was nurtured in Marquette County and inspired him to change the world’s view of wild places.

Today’s quote

At this time infants were baptized and vaccinated a few days after birth.  I remember very
well a fight with the doctor when my brother David was vaccinated.  This happened, I think, before I was sent to school.  I couldn’t imagine what the doctor, a tall, severe-looking man in black, was doing to my brother, but as mother, who was holding him in her arms, offered no objection, I looked on quietly while he scratched the arm until I saw blood.  Then, unable to trust even my mother, I managed to spring up high enough to grab and bite the doctor’s arm, yelling that I wasna gan to let him hurt my bonnie brither, while to my utter astonishment mother and the doctor only laughed at me.
So far from complete at times is sympathy between parents and children, and so much like wild beasts are baby boys, little fighting, biting, climbing pagans.

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Muir Quotes 3

15 March 1913, John Muir’s ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ was published by
Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York.
It has constantly been available in the 100 years since. It tells of his
early years in Dunbar and then, from ages 11 to 22, of growing up in the
wonderful Wisconsin countryside.  His
love of nature, awakened in East Lothian, was nurtured in Marquette County and
inspired him to change the world’s view of wild places

Today’s quote

With my school lessons father made me learn hymns and Bible verses.  For learning ‘Rock of Ages’ he gave me a penny, and I thus became suddenly rich.  Scotch boys are seldom spoiled with money.  We thought more of a penny those economical days than the poorest American schoolboy thinks of a dollar.  To decide what to do with that first penny was an extravagantly serious affair.



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Muir Quotes

On 15 March 1913, John Muir’s ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ was published by Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York.  It has constantly been available in the 100 years since. It tells of his early years in Dunbar and then, from ages 11 to 22, of growing up in the wonderful Wisconsin countryside.  His love of nature, awakened in East Lothian, was nurtured in Marquette County and inspired him to change the world’s view of wild places

Today’s quote
With red-blooded playmates, wild as myself, I loved to wander in the fields to hear the birds sing, and along the seashore to gaze and wonder at the shells and seaweeds, eels and crabs in the pools among the rocks when the tide was low; and best of all to watch the waves in awful storms thundering on the black headlands and craggy ruins of the old Dunbar Castle when the sea and the sky, the waves and the clouds, were mingled together as one.JM2

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Friends’ Facebook Quotes


On 15 March 1913, John Muir’s ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ was published by Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York.  It has constantly been available in the 100 years since. It tells of his early years in Dunbar and then, from ages 11 to 22, of growing up in the wonderful Wisconsin countryside.  His love of nature, awakened in East Lothian, was nurtured in Marquette County and inspired him to change the world’s view of wild places.

Today’s quote.

1.  When I was a boy in Scotland I was fond of everything that was wild, and all my life I’ve been growing fonder and fonder of wild places and wild creatures.  Fortunately around my native town of Dunbar, by the stormy North Sea, there was no lack of wildness, though most of the land lay in smooth cultivation.



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John Muir Supports Red Nose Day

Red Nose

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Friends Social Event with Photo Sharing

Friends Social Event with Photo Sharing

Following on from similar very successful events in the past, we plan to do the same again!  Members are encouraged to show and talk about three of their favourite images.  5 minutes per person!  Refreshments will also be served!

For details of the arrangements for submitting photographs prior to the event please see the announcement in the current newsletter.

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Belhaven, a Journey

Belhaven Sunset

‘Belhaven, a Journey’
An exhibition of panoramic photographs by Gordon Jenkinson
John Muir’s Birthplace Museum
10am – 5pm Wednesday – Saturday
1pm – 5pm Sunday
Closed Monday and Tuesday

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January 2013 Newsletter

The articles in the January 2013 issue of the Friends Newsletter include:

  • Annual General Meeting: Convener’s Report
  • Premiere of John Muir in the New World
  • John Muir in 2013 and 2014
  • ‘Boyhood and Youth’ Centenary
  • Friends’ ‘Boyhood and Youth’ Centenary Plans
  • John Muir & Robert Burns at the Scottish Parliament
  • John Muir’s Birthplace Museum – News
  • ‘Belhaven, a Journey’ Exhibition
  • JMB Retains 5 Star VisitScotland Status
  • Our Memorable Visit to John Muir’s Birthplace
  • John Muir and the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry
  • Friends of John Muir Country Park
  • Friends Social Event with Photo Sharing

The permalink for this edition is FoJMB Newsletter #23, January 2013.

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Two towns joined together by a National Hero

2 towns

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Message from Will Collin

Friends’ ‘Boyhood and Youth’ Centenary Plans for 2013

When the Muirs settled in Wisconsin in 1849, Daniel Muir chose 80 acres of wild land adjoining a lake in Marquette County.  The area is still rural and the lake and 120 acres of land is now the John Muir Memorial Park.  The nearest town is Montello, the county seat.  The Muirs then moved to a new area, Hickory Hill, nearer Portage, which is the county seat of neighbouring Columbia County.  Here is a comparison:

County                       East Lothian                Marquette                    Columbia

Area (sq mi)                     262                               464                                 774

Population (est.)          97,500                          16,000                           55,000

Density (/sq mi)              388                                35                                   67

Town                             Dunbar                        Montello                       Portage

Population (est.)            9,000                            1,600                           11,000

With the centenary of ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ coming along in 2013, an exchange of e-mails between Friends and the president of the Wisconsin Friends of John Muir (WFoJM), Tiffany Lodholz, began at the beginning of November.  Not surprisingly, the Wisconsin FoJM (www.johnmuir.org/wisconsin/) were also intending to mark the occasion and readily agreed to an exchange of ideas.  As well as exhibitions, here are some of the others that were shared:

  1. linking classes and schools in East Lothian, particularly the Dunbar cluster, and Marquette/Columbia Counties with strong connections with John Muir;
  2. creating a Victorian classroom in Dunbar Town House and enlisting volunteers to act as teachers (MCHS already has a restored one-room school house that could be used for similar programming.);
  3. holding a Muir-inspired writing and/or art contest in local schools;
  4. encouraging readings of ‘A Story of My Boyhood and Youth’ and arranging a readers night;
  5. creating a shared digital anthology or box about John Muir in Dunbar and Wisconsin;
  6. encouraging relationships between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Queen Margaret and/or Heriot Watt Universities (or appropriate departments[1]).  (Others? – Edinburgh University has a John Muir Building);
  7. enabling contacts between Dunbar & District History Society (DDHS) and Marquette County Historical Society (MCHS) (there are already links);
  8. setting up a formal link between Dunbar and Montello at community council level (leading possibly to one between Dunbar and Portage at twinning level).

Other possibilities for Dunbar could be:

  1. a short series (say, four) of information sessions on John Muir for parents, carers, grandparents, friends, etc, for all the cluster schools, at times which suit (each talk would stand alone e.g. John Muir’s family and growing up in Dunbar (could include his return in 1893); main milestones and influences in Muir’s life; Muir’s literary & other achievements; Muir’s legacy in the US and worldwide – what he has left for Dunbar and Scotland; bubbles to burst – some common misconceptions.);
  2. how to find out about John Muir for school projects – an information session and or a source sheet of what is where;
  3. a book of walks in the Dunbar and East Linton area, to commemorate Muir’s life, and perhaps, associated with the book, an annual photographic, art and writing competition;
  4. a young person’s book of John Muir’s adventures – any writers or illustrators of young folks’ books out there?
  5. an annual display of young folk’s projects, art work, etc, from John Muir in the primary and secondary curriculum.
  6. as a family, or adults only, complete a John Muir Award. For more information go to www.jmt.org/jmaward-home.asp

The list is limited only by our imagination (or lack of it!).  There have already been positive responses from staff at Heriot-Watt University, Dunbar Grammar School and Dunbar Primary School.  Have you any other suggestions?  Would you like to help with any of the above?  Contact Friends at John Muir’s Birthplace, 126 High St, Dunbar EH42 1JJ, 01368 865899, or e-mail info (at) muirbirthplacefriends.org.uk

[1] The John Muir Building at Heriot-Watt University houses the School of Life Sciences, which includes the departments of Biology, Marine Science & Environmental Management, and also H-W’s famed International Centre for Brewing & Distilling!

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